11-11-11 (Theatrical Trailer)

hd trailers,Horror,Movies,Suspense,Thriller,11-11-11,Darren Lynn Bousman,Michael Landes,Timothy Gibbs,Wendy Glenn

Following the tragic death of his wife, Sarah, and son, Cole, in a fire caused by an insane fan, famed American best-selling author Joseph Crone is suffering severe depression that prevents him from writing. While attending psychological support sessions, he meets Sadie, a young woman who has suffered a similar tragedy. One day, after a heart-warming conversation with Sadie, Joseph suffers a horrible car accident but comes out of it miraculously unscathed. The accident occurs at exactly 11:11 AM. Soon Joseph will discover that 11 is a number that was somehow important in his past life, and is doomed to appear more and more often in his daily existence.