Larva eng

025 Hot Spring

On a freezing winter day, Red and Yellow are relaxing in the puddle of hot spring. Black comes and draws them out of it to take over. Will Red and Yellow be able to secure a seat in the spring?

025 Hot Spring

026 Hide and Seek

Red and Yellow are playing hide and seek. Red easily spots Yellow and gives a knuckle as a penalty. Yellow is upset by this punishment and starts to search Red. Can he find Red and gets even with him?

026 Hide and Seek

027 Earthquake

Yellow walks toward Red chewing a gum and blows a bubble. The bubble then floats in the air and pops in Red's head. Angry Red tries a flying kick then an earthquake strikes. The ground splits, leaving a crack into the ground. Red is about to fall into the crack...

027 Earthquake

028 Hair-growth Solution

some unknown liquid fall in to the drain and fall down to Yellow's head. And Yellow's hair starts to grow. Red wants same this again!

028 Hair-growth Solution

029 Flood 1

The sewer is flooded with water. Red and Yellow get on a can, barely avoiding the water, suddenly a monster fish appears and threatens Red and Yellow. They find a vine that hangs in the sewer grill and manage to flee from the fish by climbing it up. But the vine can not hold both weight...

029 Flood 1

001 Ice Cream

The ice cream is thrown on the drain grill. Red and Yellow battle over melted drips.

001 Ice Cream

002 Mosquito

A Mosquito enters the sewer in a quiet night. Red and Yellow become victims of the mosquito bites. Violet appears before it. Will he be able to drive it out?

002 Mosquito

003 Dancing in the rain

On a rainy day, a bottle cap is accidently caught on Yellow, and he starts to tapdance. Red watching from a distance puts on another bottle cap and starts to dance.

003 Dancing in the rain

004 Mushroom

Hungry Red and Yellow spot mushrooms instantly sprouting from the ground where a strange liquid drops. The liquid falls seem to favor only Yellow's side. Red is eager for the mushrooms.

004 Mushroom

005 Gum

Yellow finds a chewed-up gum. He eats it until he sees Red stuck in it. They end up stuck in the gum together. How can they tear it off them?

005 Gum

006 Ice Road

The ground of the sewer is frozen into ice. Red and Yellow keep falling down on the ice and get frozen. Can they survive the icicle falling?

006 Ice Road

007 Straw

A straw falls into the sewer. Red strains himself to drink the drop left inside the straw. Yellow also smells the drink and tries to get it from the other side. Sucking their eyes out, who's going to get the last drop in the straw?

007 Straw

008 Insectivorous Plant

Red wakes up to find a strangely looking plant. As soon as he turns around after examining it, the plant swallows him. What will happen to Yellow closing in upon this insect-eating plant?

008 Insectivorous Plant

009 Snail

A snail crawls across the sewer. Red and Yellow make fun of it for its slowness. The angered snail shoots slimy liquid on them, and they become as slow as the snail. A traffic accident above let toxic liquid into the sewer. The race of the three slowpokes for escape begins!

009 Snail

010 Snoring

Red cannot fall asleep because Yellow is snoring. He tries all sorts of ways to stop him snoring, but only to go mad. He hits upon a clever idea. Will it help?

010 Snoring

011 Popcorn

Two strange worms, Red & Yellow, live under a sewer drain. They like things falling from above, the outside of the world. Coins, melted ice cream, chewed up bubble gum, any many other things we see every day comes down accidentally and it causes these duo sometimes trouble and brings them to happiness at the same time. Situations we take it granted everyday could be challenging and emergency for these two little friends. Be careful when you trash in the drain! They are living under!

011 Popcorn

012 Aquarium

Two strange worms, Red & Yellow, live under a sewer drain. They like things falling from above, the outside of the world. Coins, melted ice cream, chewed up bubble gum, any many other things we see every day comes down accidentally and it causes these duo sometimes trouble and brings them to happiness at the same time. Situations we take it granted everyday could be challenging and emergency for these two little friends. Be careful when you trash in the drain! They are living under!

012 Aquarium

013 Ham

Two strange worms, Red & Yellow, live under a sewer drain. They like things falling from above, the outside of the world. Coins, melted ice cream, chewed up bubble gum, any many other things we see every day comes down accidentally and it causes these duo sometimes trouble and brings them to happiness at the same time. Situations we take it granted everyday could be challenging and emergency for these two little friends. Be careful when you trash in the drain! They are living under!

013 Ham

014 Psychic

Two strange worms, Red & Yellow, live under a sewer drain. They like things falling from above, the outside of the world. Coins, melted ice cream, chewed up bubble gum, any many other things we see every day comes down accidentally and it causes these duo sometimes trouble and brings them to happiness at the same time. Situations we take it granted everyday could be challenging and emergency for these two little friends. Be careful when you trash in the drain! They are living under!

014 Psychic

015 Fly

Two strange worms, Red & Yellow, live under a sewer drain. They like things falling from above, the outside of the world. Coins, melted ice cream, chewed up bubble gum, any many other things we see every day comes down accidentally and it causes these duo sometimes trouble and brings them to happiness at the same time. Situations we take it granted everyday could be challenging and emergency for these two little friends. Be careful when you trash in the drain! They are living under!

015 Fly

016 Spaghetti

Two strange worms, Red & Yellow, live under a sewer drain. They like things falling from above, the outside of the world. Coins, melted ice cream, chewed up bubble gum, any many other things we see every day comes down accidentally and it causes these duo sometimes trouble and brings them to happiness at the same time. Situations we take it granted everyday could be challenging and emergency for these two little friends. Be careful when you trash in the drain! They are living under!

016 Spaghetti

017 Airform

Two strange worms, Red & Yellow, live under a sewer drain. They like things falling from above, the outside of the world. Coins, melted ice cream, chewed up bubble gum, any many other things we see every day comes down accidentally and it causes these duo sometimes trouble and brings them to happiness at the same time. Situations we take it granted everyday could be challenging and emergency for these two little friends. Be careful when you trash in the drain! They are living under!

017 Airform

018 Cocoon

Two strange worms, Red & Yellow, live under a sewer drain. They like things falling from above, the outside of the world. Coins, melted ice cream, chewed up bubble gum, any many other things we see every day comes down accidentally and it causes these duo sometimes trouble and brings them to happiness at the same time. Situations we take it granted everyday could be challenging and emergency for these two little friends. Be careful when you trash in the drain! They are living under!

018 Cocoon

019 Cocoon2

Two strange worms, Red & Yellow, live under a sewer drain. They like things falling from above, the outside of the world. Coins, melted ice cream, chewed up bubble gum, any many other things we see every day comes down accidentally and it causes these duo sometimes trouble and brings them to happiness at the same time. Situations we take it granted everyday could be challenging and emergency for these two little friends. Be careful when you trash in the drain! They are living under!

019 Cocoon2

020 Pudding

Two strange worms, Red & Yellow, live under a sewer drain. They like things falling from above, the outside of the world. Coins, melted ice cream, chewed up bubble gum, any many other things we see every day comes down accidentally and it causes these duo sometimes trouble and brings them to happiness at the same time. Situations we take it granted everyday could be challenging and emergency for these two little friends. Be careful when you trash in the drain! They are living under!

020 Pudding

021 Watermelon

Two strange worms, Red & Yellow, live under a sewer drain. They like things falling from above, the outside of the world. Coins, melted ice cream, chewed up bubble gum, any many other things we see every day comes down accidentally and it causes these duo sometimes trouble and brings them to happiness at the same time. Situations we take it granted everyday could be challenging and emergency for these two little friends. Be careful when you trash in the drain! They are living under!

021 Watermelon

022 UFO

Two strange worms, Red & Yellow, live under a sewer drain. They like things falling from above, the outside of the world. Coins, melted ice cream, chewed up bubble gum, any many other things we see every day comes down accidentally and it causes these duo sometimes trouble and brings them to happiness at the same time. Situations we take it granted everyday could be challenging and emergency for these two little friends. Be careful when you trash in the drain! They are living under!

022 UFO

023 Fishing

Two strange worms, Red & Yellow, live under a sewer drain. They like things falling from above, the outside of the world. Coins, melted ice cream, chewed up bubble gum, any many other things we see every day comes down accidentally and it causes these duo sometimes trouble and brings them to happiness at the same time. Situations we take it granted everyday could be challenging and emergency for these two little friends. Be careful when you trash in the drain! They are living under!

023 Fishing

024 Out of Body

Two strange worms, Red & Yellow, live under a sewer drain. They like things falling from above, the outside of the world. Coins, melted ice cream, chewed up bubble gum, any many other things we see every day comes down accidentally and it causes these duo sometimes trouble and brings them to happiness at the same time. Situations we take it granted everyday could be challenging and emergency for these two little friends. Be careful when you trash in the drain! They are living under!

024 Out of Body

030 Swamp

Red and Yellow find a swamp. A giant frog dwells in it and threatens already bogged down Yellow. Will Red and Yellow be able to escape?

030 Swamp

031 Walnut

Red and Yellow find solid walnut. But, it seems too solide to break it. Looking at the Black who is punching just beside them, they get an idea…….

031 Walnut

032 Soda

A bottle of soda falls into the drain. The shock of hitting the ground making a small space between the cap and the bottle, and soda is leaking through the gap. Red and Yellow are watching this with curiosity.

032 Soda

033 Frog

A frog appears in the drain on a rainy day. Red and Yellow are stunned by the its huge size and the power of its tongue, Red tries to flee from it but gets caught….

033 Frog

034 Typhoon

A strong wind blows into the drain. Yellow and Red flutter around as the wind carries them, then successfully cling on to a thin tree branch. The other insects start to catch Yellow by his tail. A moment later many insects are linked behind Yellow, making the branch unable to hold all of their weight. Now the branch is dangerously stretched and about to be snapped...

034 Typhoon

035 Cavity

Red has a toothache. Yellow brings a string and tie the one end on the bad tooth. As Yellow tries to pull it out, Red become frightened at first but the pain is so great, he agrees to pull it out. Red's decayed tooth, can Yellow pull it out?

035 Cavity

036 Coin Toss

Red and Yellow are tossing coin. Yellow keeps losing and ends up having a clout with Red's tongue, Yellow becomes angry and insist on playing. Then Yellow throws it so high and the coin lands on the dung of the dung beetle…….

036 Coin Toss

037 Concert

Red and Yellow are eating food residue on the ground. They keep eating until there is only one piece left. Yellow quickly snatches the last remaining food and tries to run away. Red soon begins his pursuit. The pursuit ends in the corner of piles of trashes with an old mini piano...

037 Concert

038 Snowball Fight

It is a cold winter day, snowing. Red and Yellow shiver inside the canister and suddenly a candy drops before them. As they are about to taste the candy, other insects come around the candy like a crowd of zombies. They decide to flee from the crowd and find their sanctuary on a top of garbage pile. They start to make snowballs and throw at the insects climbing up the pile. The snowball fight begins between the worms and the other insects.

038 Snowball Fight

039 Flood 2

There is a flood in the sewer. Red and Yellow barely escapes the flood on a floating tree trunk, then a giant fish appears and threatens to eat them. Two worms start to run on it, making the trunk rolling, which then propels forward…

039 Flood 2

041 Stomachache

Red and Yellow get stomachache after eating mushrooms. Holding sick stomaches, Red and Yellow run towards the public toilet but are soon perplexed by the long waiting line stretched in the restroom…….

041 Stomachache

042 Mummy

Red and Yellow are looking at a coffin like shaped box. Suddenly the box stands up and the lid opens and a mummy pops out. Red and Yellow startle and start to flee, but Red stops and turn to see the mummy. He realizes that the mummy resembles his father......

042 Mummy

043 Bee

The bee hive is hanging under the sewer grill. The bee locates a flower sticking out from an empty can. the flower gestures bee than hides inside of the can. The bee is lured into the can. After the bee has entered the can, Yellow runs out of the can and Red closes the can with the lid......

043 Bee

044 Balloon

A balloon drops into the drain. Red and Yellow hop onto the balloon and start to jump Two worms try to stop the mosquito from punching a hole into the balloon by Red sticking out his rear end suggesting the mosquito to take a bite it instead……

044 Balloon

040 Ant

A swarm of ants pass in front of Red and Yellow. Individual ants carries various food on their heads. Red and Yellow start picking food off of their heads and eat it like they are in a conveyor belt sushi restaurant. The ants realize that their food has been lifted off when they arrive at their tunnel......

040 Ant

045 Love

A beautiful worn Pink come out of an apple suddenly. Red

045 Love

046 Spring

Red puts on a spring and hops around to tease Yellow, Yellow turns to walk away but trips, accidentally wears the opposite end of the spring that Red is wearing. Red, starts to hop and Yellow keeps bang his head on the ground. Annoyed Yellow switches the position and now Red starts to bang his head. Both become exhausted after fighting each other. Yellow suddenly has a stomachache and tries to walk to the toilet. Mischievous Red anchors his teeth down on the ground firmly to stop Yellow from moving.

046 Spring

047 Christmas

It is Christmas eve. Carols and the sound of the fireworks can be heard. The atmosphere of outside street seems to be festive. In contrast, Red and Yellow shiver in cold watching outside in the drain. Then Santa suddenly appears before them and hands a piece of cake as a gift...

047 Christmas

048 Yellowterminator

The terminator which looks exactly same as Yellow appears in the drain! Red and Yellow try to stop this dangerous thing but, it starts fire everywhere…….

048 Yellowterminator

049 The Cement

A chunk of cement falls into the sewer on a hot summer day. Red and Yellow are covered by the cement. As they try to get out, it quickly hardens. Two are now trapped in the cement, both try to get out but fail.

049 The Cement

050 Larvatar

Red and Yellow turns into Navi in Avatar. The adventure of navi Red and Yellow begins now!

050 Larvatar

051 Hip Hop

A portable music player with earphones falls into the drain. Red swallows one of the earphone piece accidently while yawning. The music starts, regardless of his will, Red break dances as the music vibrates inside his stomach…

051 Hip Hop

052 Snot

Yellow catches a cold, his nose becomes runny. He sneezes and sprays his mucus to Red. Angry Red does a flying kick. Night comes and Red and Yellow are in their sleep. But the sewer is filled with yellowish fluid…

052 Snot

053 Hailing

Hails fall down and the sausage is stuck in it. Could Yellow and Red rescue the sausage?

053 Hailing

054 Pit

A sausage that Yellow and Red love falls down to the deep, dark pit. Yellow goes down and find something big and scary and it moves!!

054 Pit

055 Gum 2

A chewed gum falls down to the hole where Red and Yellow leave. Red thinks it is dirty but, Yellow can do so many funny things with it. Red gets finally interested to the Gum and tries to get it but……

055 Gum 2

056 Raining

Poor Yellow is always outwitted by Red. After got some rain on his face on a rainy day, Yellow have an idea to revenge……

056 Raining

057 Glove

A cold day, Yellow finds some part of glove which looks very warm.

057 Glove

058 Laughing

Brown loves dung. When he finds some, he just runs for it. And so, there could happen something like…..

058 Laughing

060 Missing

Red was eating a delicious pizza, and in just few seconds drinking water. The pizza just has gone!! Red becoming a detective starts his own investigation……

060 Missing

061 Wig

A blond wig blown by wind falls in front of Red and Yellow. Who will get this blond wig. The chase has begun.

061 Wig

062 Vampire

Yellow and Red became a Vampire because of little bloodsucking mosquito.They want blood of each other, who will be the winner of this fight?

062 Vampire

063 Clock

Tic Toc Tic Toc, Red just can’t sleep with the noise of clock. But, Yellow always finds some funny thing to do with everything.With clock, it’s dance time!

063 Clock

064 Staring Contest

Yellow and Red is playing the staring game. The first one who close the eye loose! Red who always loose starts a hard training. What is the secret of Yellow who always win!!

064 Staring Contest

065 Perfume

Violet is falling in love with mysterious beautiful creature. Who is this mysterious creature, and where does it come from?

065 Perfume

066 Super Glue

Yellow and Red stick each other because of super glue. But, with 2 heads on each side, it is not easy to do something, not even eat an apple!

066 Super Glue

067 Swing

Swinging is funny, but also dangerous! Red Shows us how dangerous could be the swing. Oh, poor Red!

067 Swing

068 Growing a Plant

Yellow starts growing a plant but, Red want to disturb it. The plant grows anyway and became big carnivore plant.

068 Growing a Plant

069 Bee 2

Honey is yummy!! Our little friend Bee is making the honey as always. Red and Yellow have a good idea to taste the honey……

069 Bee 2

070 Scary Night

Red, sleeping alone hears something terrible and scary!Where does this noise come from!! Red tries to find the source the noise, but, where is Yellow?

070 Scary Night

071 Rope

A cross a steep cliff, there is a sausage. The only way to get it is just a rope, and so rivals. Who would be the first one who will get the sausage.

071 Rope

072 Spider

Scary spider got all our friends on his thread. Poor Red and Yellow, even the music can’t cheer them up

072 Spider

073 Radioactive Liquid

Green liquid fall down to Red and Yellow. But something weird thing happens, they are incredibly strong now!

073 Radioactive Liquid

074 Nightmare

Red is standing amidst of foods! All fruits, beverages, and his loving sausage! But, when Red gets closer to have it, Yellow always shows up and disturb!

074 Nightmare

075 Chick 1

From a big egg, soft and worm chick has born. Yellow raise it as a mother but, his is too big for sewage.In the end, all other friends want to evict his baby!What is yellow going to do?

075 Chick 1

076 Chick 2

From a big egg, soft and worm chick has born. Yellow raise it as a mother but, his is too big for sewage. In the end, all other friends want to evict his baby! What is yellow going to do?

076 Chick 2

077 Farting

Yellow has a serious problem of farting. Because of it, all his friends left him. So, he tries everything to stop is but it is not easy. He finally has a solution for it which is……

077 Farting

078 Secret of Snail

Rainbow is a snail. He is always slow, slow and slow but, he looks safe with his shell. One lightning day, Red and Yellow try to get his shell but it has a big secret like……

078 Secret of Snail

079 Hand

A ring falls down to the sewer and a human hand comes in to find it. But the ring is covered on Pink's head! Yellow and Red try to save pink but the hand is very strong….

079 Hand

080 Bottle

A very hot sunny day, Red and Yellow finds a bottle with some water in it. But, they soon get trapped in the bottle…...

080 Bottle

081 Moonlight Waltz

a beautiful night with moonlights, all our friends are hungry. A Sausage falls down to sewer, but everybody wants it!

081 Moonlight Waltz

082 Hair-growth Solution 2

Hair growth solution get into Yellow's nose and Yellow's nose hair growth. But, Yellow finds the way to move as he wants. Red sees it and wants same nose hair as Yellow……

082 Hair-growth Solution 2

083 Wart

master of martial arts, the Mantis come to the sewer. Even black can't fight him. Red, running from him meets another master who trains him as master. Could Red fights mantis and regain the peace in sewer?

083 Wart

084 Typhoon 2

A strong wind blows into the drain. Yellow and Red lean on board to not be blown.

084 Typhoon 2

085 Chili Show

Red and Yellow find red fruit which looks delicious.

085 Chili Show

086 Alien

a little prince coming from another planets falls down to the drawn accidently. He has amazing powers and Red wants to use it for his own good! Could Red get what he wants with the prince's power?

086 Alien

087 Grape

Red and Yellow find bunch of grapes on the vine and try to get it. Black finds it as well but Red and Yellow obstruct Black with grape seeds, he gets angry. Could Red and Yellow be safe?

087 Grape

088 Quick Sand

there is a monster who lives under the ground and when somebody gets closer, it opens mouth and swallow everything around. Yellow has been swallowed already and Red is about to be swallowed……

088 Quick Sand

089 Larvatar 2

Red and Yellow in Avatar! Red got losted in his body and

089 Larvatar 2

090 Toy Car

Red and Yellow find remote control toy car and have fun with it. During this exciting race, they accidently hit Black. Could Red and Yellow be safe with angry Balck?

090 Toy Car

091 Love love love 1

Pink change into a cocoon to become a butterfly. Yellow finds cocoon of Pink and take care of it. Finally Pink gets out of her cocoon, beautiful butterfly and it's time to say goodbye for Yellow.

091 Love love love 1

092 Love Love Love 2

Pink change into a cocoon to become a butterfly. Yellow finds cocoon of Pink and take care of it. Finally Pink gets out of her cocoon, beautiful butterfly and it's time to say goodbye for Yellow.

092 Love Love Love 2

093 Swan Lake

Jelly makes beautiful acting on the ice road of Red and Yellow VS Brown and Black. Who will be the winner of Jelly?

093 Swan Lake

094 Electronic Shock

Dangerous power lines coming down to the drain with huge flows of electricity. Our friends are in danger. Which one could save everybody?

094 Electronic Shock

095 Whistle

Scary sneak appears in the drain! As sneak has a keen ear, Red who swallowed whitle is the target of sneak. Could Red and Yellow get our of this danger?

095 Whistle

096 Diving

Yellow looks so cool when he dives in front of Pink! Red who wants Pink's attention tries to dive as well but it seems not easy to him. Red practice and practice diving to show Pink. Could Red dive nicely in front of Pink?

096 Diving

097 Fire

There is a huge fire in the drain because of Red and Yellow. All friends are trying to put out a fire but Yellow seems not helping everybody. Could Yellow really make up for his mistake and save his friends?

097 Fire

098 Balance

Drain filled with water is full of deep-sea fishes which have scary teeth. Relying on a wooden board dangerously, could our friends manage to get out of this crisis?

098 Balance

099 Water Show

Yellow and Red Tantalizing bickering about a tantalizing cherry. But, the water strewb on the floor make it harder. Who will finally get the delicious cherry?

099 Water Show

100 Flying Yellow

Yellow wants to fly freely like butterfly. He tries feather on his back, uses fireworks and everything he can do to fly but it seems not working. However, he finally success flying……

100 Flying Yellow

101 Short arm Octopus

Octopus has eight legs and can do variey things. He gives something to eat and help Yellow but, he seems don’t like Red…….

101 Short arm Octopus

102 Wild Wild World 1

Red and Yellow turn into cocoon to become butterfly. With beautiful wings, they finally get out of the drain and meet really world. But, the world seems really tough and wild to our little butterflies.

102 Wild Wild World 1

103 Wild Wild World 2

Hit here and there, even Red and Yellow's wings are gone. In this wild world with full of human and cars, Red and Yellow seems lost……

103 Wild Wild World 2

104 Wild Wild World 3

almost dead hit by a bycicle, Yellow and Red barely survived. They are just happy to be survived and find a sausage. But, someone already grapped it……

104 Wild Wild World 3

059 Eye infection

"Red and Yellow can eat, walk and do everything when they can’t see and even better than when they can see. Let’s find out how they do it? "

059 Eye infection